Therapist Reacts to Dig by Mudvayne

Maybe you should try Hatebreed-Defeatist
You have already reacted to Korn and here is my favourite one: Rotting in vain
I recommend these two songs

HUSH and LOVE FALLS by Hellyeah! PLEASE! Hellyeah is this lead singer (Chad Gray) this guitarist and Pantera’s drummer Vinnie Paul.

I love this for a reaction video. A Therapist talking about the lyrics. Great idea!

Any song off of L.D. 50…

Uncensored version!! YES!!!

I am seeing them live with All That Remains and Megadeth in August. I cannot wait. Gonna be epic.

Your reactions seem very performative. It’s hard to take you serious when it feels like you are performing for the camera. You can take my opinion or leave it. Not trying to be negative to you. Just giving you my opinion

I just love that the guitar player has latexed bugles snacks on his face. True story.

You NEED to listen to fall into sleep and scream with me

This video is a part of a vignette created of the attention attention album. There’s a much larger story, but one of the monsters you missed was the woman was cheating with the guy behind her at the funeral, most likely while the guy in the casket was at war.

I don’t get it this band had one good song and one good video why are people still talking about them? They haven’t been relevant for 20 years.

Can’t believe it’s 24years ago they released LD50. Goddamn getting old

Wild band for sure…

Very good, good reaction the músic of the 90’…:love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:

I’ll never forget hearing this song for the first time. It was near the end of my freshman year of high school and I had heard of Mudvayne but not their music. I was hanging out in the drafting room after school one day and much to my surprise, my teacher heard of them and one older kid started playing Dig through the computer speakers that were just cranked. All of a sudden BANG!!! The song came on and it felt like a bomb went off inside the drafting room. I was like “what the hell is this?” That’s what did it for me, I became an instant fan.

I liked this song in middle school. Still like it now!!

Mudvayne is on of the greatest. You need to go down the rabbit hole. Death blooms is about his grandmother, then -1 and cradle are awesome also!!

3:49 Actually that’s how I feel about Society, “they” want me to be someone I’m not, and I definitely feel I would lose part of myself becoming what Society says I should be.
I’m a 58 year old US Army Cold War era Veteran, I have Zero tolerance for Bullshit, Zero tolerance for “stupid”, and Zero tolerance for anyone messing with me. I’m politically incorrect, get anxious & quickly irritated around people in General (except other Veterans), and I guess it’s made me an introvert.
I go from calm to rage in about 3.2 seconds, and then all I want to do is utterly destroy whatever/whoever angered me, and takes every bit of willpower I have to not do so.
Tried to see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist at the VA, but instead they just schedule me with a phone appointment with a Social Worker……and he is at a loss for words in dealing with my Mental Health.
You said to comment and I did.

How have you not reacted to Falling in Reverse or My Chemical Romance yet? You should definitely check out Falling In Reverse - Last Resort (Reimagined)

The state of my being every day. :love_you_gesture:t2: