Therapist Reacts to THE POT by TOOL

Could you analyze the lyrics for “Art of Dying” by Gojira?

Wings for Marie part 1 and 2 are awesome it’s about his mother

This song is about Led Zeppelin. Muddy waters is referencing the artist LZ ripped off and when Tool tried covering one of their songs they got sued.

Please do the noose by a perfect circle

“When your pissing on my mom there kiddo…” Manyard has in the past been publicly critical about his mother. This is an important detail in understanding who the subject of this song is.

If you haven’t yet I’M BEGGING YOU to please check out The Grudge. Your therapy senses will begoing in overdrive lol.

i’ve never seen anyone point it out before, but the line about “lemon juice up in your eye” is about people putting lemon juice on a handkerchief and using that to cry fake tears on the stand in court.

It’s about more than just “hypocrisy”, it’s about the self-righteous sociopathic narccissists and others that are involved in positions of power (in government or a religion) that PROJECT their flaws onto others,
always accusing others of wrong doing and think they never do any wrong (which there are often many unethical or illegal activities they’ve done),
they will often weep fake “crocodile tears” as if they are the “victim” or the “target” etc etc; their eyes SO “deep in muddy waters” they can’t see or are in denial of their own wrongdoing and their own flaws and mistakes.
They judge others negatively and spout bullshyte, but they don’t look in a mirror they don’t look at themselves honestly to see or understand their own flaws. Persons like Donald T&%MP, Elon Musk, and many a politician… Fundamentalist religious leaders, etc etc etc

Im a big fan of yours. Please react/ critique Rage Against the Machine “Testify”. I love you BTW.

Do tools parabol parabola

I think the inner critic has its place, but damn does it get out of hand. I know mine does. Often. When I want to drown it out, I often listen to TOOL, and now that you’ve posted this, I know which specific track to pound into my skull to put that prick back into its place.

Pushit is another great TOOL song that I think fits the channel’s message here. It’s basically about toxic codependent relationships.

Love you and love what you’re doing. :v:
Please do every Tool song, I dig your insight.

Inner hypocrite pow, nice :pray:

You getting Jungian on us❤

Please, please, please react to Tool Right in Two!

I loved watching you enjoy this song and good advice about calling out our inner critic. Took me a long time to be ok with myself and faults i try hard not to be a hypocrite lol im more gentle with myself than i am with someone coming at me with criticism unless i know it comes from someone who is truly looking out for me and helping me to grow always room for growth.

This song and anemena is my favs by them. This one hits with me bc i feel like screaming these lyrics to my mom who is the biggest hypocrite i know.

You can’t get into manerds head. He is straight forward

He’s stirring up the pot.

Since you like progressive rock/metal I highly highly highly suggest checking out any song from Circa Survive’s second album On Letting Go. It’s a concept album about eliminating pain. Circa is one of if not the most underrated rock band ever.