Therapist want to be Happy. By NF

Relating to this song is what made me realize that I needed help

I feel like this every day. Like I’m lost in a purgatory of my own making.

I see ppl in here a lot comparing Ren to NF not even close NF is a different type of artist he doesn’t record a song he records a feeling it’s truly something unique and dare I say unheard of true beauty

Any suggestions on how to actually ask for Help or finding Professional help? IT May sound stupid, but Incan totally relate since I never Had the Courage to ask my friends or family for Help or advise, even though I feel like I could need help. Deep inside I do not feel happy and feel that it ist getting worse, but I could not even phrase my thoughts and issues and answer the question to myself what I am actually Missing that makes me feel sad. I got a job with reasonable income, good friends, a Loving GF but I can hardly get sleep and feel depressed Sometimes and I Just try to push this Feeling away but it drags me down and negatively effects my life and the decisions I make recently. BR, Seb

What does it mean to be “Happy” when all you see is the pain that you have lived with all your life.

I use music for therapy, always have and its done i think good for me to say things, sing it out. Things i didnt think about admitting to myself outloud, and thats one reason in this song i broke down quite a few times just listening and reading the lyrics to learn it.
When he circles back to " i cant keep on living in-" and gives the song that new meanjng, thats the way i want to reinvent the personal thoughts of oneself into “youve been this way too long, but now is as any good a time to stop. Itll be hard, but we gotta start somewhere ktherwise we’ll never know”.
Im getting better at singing it without choking up atleast :')

HeartSupport fear: is so silent, she doesn’t shout, she just puts me in my lane. It’s so hard to hate her because she is helpful, and she reduces the scolding.

Anger: is so loud, she is so bold, but i hate her because she gets us into trouble. I hate when she shows up. It hurts when she shows up because it takes a lot of pain to suppress her and keep her silent, i hate the bruises she leaves behind.

Unknown/me?: she is numb most of the time, she doesn’t care about much, she couldn’t mind dying, but at least she is not going out of her way to seek death. Every once in while, she breaks down and cries. I hate it when she does that. She has no place to cry except the bathroom. She is not religious because she couldn’t care less about religion. Sometimes i wish her mask was stronger, i hate it whennit cracks, and i hate it when she lets me see the ugliness beneath.

I am absolutely terrified to be happy just because the few times it’s happened in the past 20 years when it’s gone life is just like twice as hard. I would do anything to be happy. I’ve tried therapy but they don’t actually listen. They just try to feed me meds like I’m sick. I’m not sick I am broken and happiness never lasts. I’m not suicidal but when I’m gone I hope my family knows that I’m not hurting anymore

I agree with what you said. I was born to narcissistic parents and married to a passive aggressive wife for 27 years. I finally cut them all off from my life. It had been very difficult healing but I’m almost there. Near to opening the next chapter.

By the way, it was my therapist who told me my parents were narcissistic and my ex wife, passive aggressive.