Relating to this song is what made me realize that I needed help
I feel like this every day. Like I’m lost in a purgatory of my own making.
I see ppl in here a lot comparing Ren to NF not even close NF is a different type of artist he doesn’t record a song he records a feeling it’s truly something unique and dare I say unheard of true beauty
Any suggestions on how to actually ask for Help or finding Professional help? IT May sound stupid, but Incan totally relate since I never Had the Courage to ask my friends or family for Help or advise, even though I feel like I could need help. Deep inside I do not feel happy and feel that it ist getting worse, but I could not even phrase my thoughts and issues and answer the question to myself what I am actually Missing that makes me feel sad. I got a job with reasonable income, good friends, a Loving GF but I can hardly get sleep and feel depressed Sometimes and I Just try to push this Feeling away but it drags me down and negatively effects my life and the decisions I make recently. BR, Seb