Things that are causing me stress

I had a doctors appointment this morning. I told her about all of my stress and I think I’m getting anemia again so she took some blood to test. She also raised my dose of Sertraline. Hopefully it helps.

Also we got a babysitter for Kiera Sunday afternoon for the first time since right after she came home in May so my husband and I can go out for dinner.


May you enjoy this dinner together! This is going to be a good opportunity to breathe and find each other again through some major life transitions.

I’m rooting for you, hoping that your blood test will help get some answers and indication of next steps to take. :hrtlegolove:


Thanks. I so look forward to it.

I have been dieting to lose my pregnancy weight by cutting out most sugars and starches (I still eat yogurt and oatmeal) and eating every 2 hours. So far I’ve lost 4 lbs this week. Which I know is high but I have 40 lbs to lose and I’m only 5 feet tall. But anyway, that is my cheat day so we’re going to go to our favorite Italian place for dinner. They have the most amazing chicken soup.


So the person that we got to babysit Kiera who has been a family friend since I was probably 12, has offered to watch Kiera once a month so my husband and I can get some time out. She also wants to learn how to use her feeding pump. This is such a relief. Even just a couple hours once a month is a much appreciated break.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hey friend, firstly congratulations on your weight loss so far that is fabulous, i know how hard it is and that is brilliant, keep it up. From someone who knows, i am really proud of you. With regards to you being able to have some time with your hubby now you have a child minder, that is fantastic news. what a great way to celebrate your ongoing weight loss too. Things are falling into place for you and its about time, you deserve it. Much Love Lisa x


Hello Sapphire,

It is so good to hear this update. I am glad that you & your husband can have some time to be together. Thank you for being the best mamma to Kiera. Thank you for the updates. Keep on, keepin’ on!

-StarFox :yellow_heart:


From: ManekiNeko

it’s so wonderful to hear that you have someone who is so understanding and has been a part of your life who is able to help out in this way! I do hope it feels like a much deserved sense of relief and peace for you. I know things haven’t always been smooth sailing throughout this time, but this is indeed celebration worthy! throws celebratory stuffed toys
I hope you have been finding some rest this week and that you enjoyed your dinner date!


From: twixremix

hi sapphire!

thank you for keeping your heartsupport community updated on how things are going for you, your husband, and baby kiera. i just read your latest reply/update; i’m so happy that you have such an incredible family friend that offered to give you and your husband much-needed and much-deserved time away. when your life is so consumed with taking care of a lil’ baby, that time to decompress and relax with your husband is invaluable.

you’ve gone through and overcome so much and i want to recognize that with full applause. also! i hope that italian food was delicious the other night on your cheat day, you deserve those treasured moments of enjoying things for yourself. hope you can do more of it and have a blast during your time away when your family friend cares for kiera! we all believe in you, sapphire, you’re doing the best you can do and that’s awesome!



Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond. I appreciate the support.

It looks like I don’t have iron deficiency anemia again but I do have a vitamin D deficiency. I have a prescription of D waiting for me across town but I’m not going to be able to go get it any time soon. But it does explain my fatigue, muscle aches and potentially is contributing to the worsening depression.

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