This-is-really-sick-i-ve-never-seen-a-deep-dive-in - 1408

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Belongs to: Ghost of Me by Make Them Suffer - Therapist Reacts
This is really sick!! I’ve never seen a deep dive into lyrics after watching someones reaction to a metal track like this. This was super moving to watch! I struggle with Anxiety and I really resonated with the part where you said we gotta search internally and not have so much outside validation. Thanks for the awesome video! I hope this channel blows up :slight_smile:


Yea anxiety really is this voice that pushes us to constantly second guess ourselves - if not others too. Seeking validation outside of yourself makes completely sense when you’re not sure that what you’re putting into this world is okay to share, express, or do. I’ve personally been struggling with anxiety ever since I was little, and it’s insane how much my inner world is fluctuating based on my environment. Adapting to others has become a way to survive, and learning to reverse that is freaking hard. But there is so much worth within us that we don’t allow ourselves to see because of anxiety. We are not meant to exist just through the eyes and validation of others. We, internally, are our very first ally. Even if it takes time to learn to be a friend to ourselves. Just this realization that you have expressed is huge, and the way you’ve put words on it as well. I believe once you’re aware of it, it opens a door to learning to dialogue with yourself, and see this need for validation differently. You are absolutely equipped to navigate this world, and what this world needs is you jut as you are. Hold Fast, friend. I believe in you.

@HeartSupport - Mental Health Community I’m going through all this. Thanks for writing it makes perfect sense

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Same to everything you said :fist:

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