
This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.

Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/36742
Well this popped up right when I needed to hear it. :heart:


Yes - so good when we find the perfect message that reminds us we are not alone. Cuts so much of the power out of hopelessness and shame. We are in this together.

So very thankful that this popped up at the right time for you. It’s incredible how life can surprise us, and wonderful to notice when it does it for something good. I hope that the content posted encourages you and helps you feel less alone in face of your own struggles or pain. There are so many things that we fill pushed to carry just on your own, while really pain can unites us in ways that are incredibly powerful. I’m grateful that this content finds you at a right time, and grateful that you shared about it in the comments. If you would like to express more of what was on your heart today, then feel absolutely free to share. There won’t be any judgment, stigma, misunderstandings. Only love and genuine care for you. You’re not alone. You have allies at Heartsupport, rooting for you. <3