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Yeah. The demons in our heads suck. As a musician transitioning (music isn’t financially stable for me at my point in career) into software development. There is a overwhelming metric fuck ton of pressure and expectation for us in all fields let alone what we put on ourselves. I get what you’re saying too in terms of self standards, and I might be taking a different perspective on what you may have been trying to say, but nowadays there is so much competition/ content out there as musicians.Anyways there’s a lot to be said about this subject matter, and as far as I’m concerned y’all in ERRA y’all are doing super creative and fun stuff compared to most other heavy bands in your class. It’s good to be hard on ourselves cause it’s what drives us forward, BUT it’s also equally important to take inventory and appreciate our accomplishments/ where we are at. All of us need to remind ourselves that it’s ok to spare a bit of grace for ourselves. As overused as this phrase might sound, all good things in life never come easy.


From: Dr Hogarth

Hi friend,

I think it’s a really good point that doing something important in our lives is often not easy. It’s a fine balance between pushing ourselves to do our best and beating ourselves up because we’re not meeting some crazy standard. Finding that right amount of self-critism to make what we produce better without burning ourselves out can be hard.


From: Mamadien

Thank you so much for sharing. You have made so many great points about what is happening in the music and art industries and how hard it is to succeed. You have a great perspective and wisdom. Thank you for speaking what you feel and what you believe.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, thank you for your comment, I am sure it is difficult to keep on top of things and keep up with all that is happening in music and still manage to take care of yourself but its great to hear that you are giving yourself some grace, being kind and enjoying the fruits of your labour. Keep doing well. Lisa. x

From: djstarion

As a musician myself, I totally get where you’re coming from. I work full time at a financial institution and it’s hard to get noticed especially since the pandemic, but I would suggest if you’re that passionate about your music (which it sounds like you are) try to explore different ways of getting your music out there. I use Distrokid and they put your music on all stores and on apps like Snapchat and Tiktok, and even making stickers or postcards with a QR code to link to your music. It’s an easy way to get it out quickily and efficiently :slight_smile:

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You’ve made some really good points. I think that being on hard on yourself is a double edged sword. I think you should definitely hold yourself accountable, but don’t beat yourself up over things. You should be kind to yourself, especially with your passions, or else you’ll cause yourself burnout.

With music, I think any creative field should be treated with like… not solely relying on that trade for a main source of income. I’m wondering if maybe there’s some communities you could join to start sharing your pieces with?

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