Andrew Tkaczyk from The Ghost Inside talks about one of the darkest times in his life

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Can you relate to Andrew?? Share how you can relate in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll reply with encouragement!

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You’re such an inspiration brodecai! Thank you for staying strong! :heart:

Even though I did have that thought that I mentioned in the end of this clip, I learned that the answer is NO. It would not have been better. This life is worth living. I’m very glad to have made it and I am very lucky to be here still. :heart:

One of the best dudes in the scene. @illgrip is a legend, plain and simple. All the love to you homie :pray:t2::heart:

A little, in my own way. I hit a wall with my own illness and found myself asking similar questions. Following their progress as a band helped me a lot mentally and inspired me to push forward. Love this. :heart:

I love @illgrip :heart: - I struggle massively with my mental health, it’s keeping me off work and I’m struggling day to day wanting to be here at all. Don’t have any real friends I can count on. Feel very alone & such an outsider. Can’t sleep, over & under eating. TGI honestly is quite frankly one of a very few things that’s keeping me alive. Life is fucking hard x

Literally the most inspiring thing ever man :clap:


You are such an inspiration to so many people! I was devastated when I heard about the accident, I’ve been a fan since the start! You guys have shown your strength and determination over and over to get back to where you are now and should be so proud! We love you!!! :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:



I’ve had @theghostinside rattle my ears through thousands of gym sessions over the years, more than any other band. The fact you’re involved with this makes me love you guys even more.

Much respect!============




Such an inspiring man ! :heart:

As a leg amputee, and musician myself (albeit not a drummer), it will forever be cool watching any clips of @illgrip playing the drums. While I’m not at all familiar with The Ghost Inside, it always amazes me to see him play older songs just as cleanly as he would’ve played them with both legs. It’s always mega cool to me seeing other amputees within the music industry. Keep that awesome shit up Andrew!

I followed the story of the Ghost Inside guys from literally the day the news was announced of the crash. I’ve watched the videos of rehab and @illgrip is one of the most inspirational stories I’ve ever followed. That spirit and positivity will always stay with me! To see the @theghostinside guys rip it up at @o2academybrix for your UK comeback gig (only 2 years later, thanks Covid :joy:) was the best experience I’ve had at a gig! From that first note till the final piece of confetti landed, it was just perfect!