Have you ever felt like it’s hard to reach out about your mental health or the struggles in your life?

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Have you ever felt like it’s hard to reach out about your mental health or the struggles in your life? This is a reality that I live with daily. And if you’ve been a fan of HF, you’ll know that I write a lot about my struggles with mental health. That’s why we’ve partnered with HeartSupport to make it as easy as possible for us to do that together. So please, comment below, and other fans and members from the HeartSupport community will reply to you with encouragement and support.

Love you all so much and can’t thank you enough for supporting us through everything. :orange_heart:

#nationalmentalhealthday #heartsupport #mentalhealthawareness

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Men need to stop being scared to seek professional help. If you had cancer, you’d see an oncologist. Depression is just as deadly. Break the stigma and ask for help. It’s worth it.

You are a saint and I love yalls music! Please never stop!

Hollow Front has got me through some tough bouts of depression and helped me realize, I’m not alone. Thank you :heart:

Love you Tyler! Keep kicking ass and taking names man!

Just the fact his music has an impact on are life’s just is a blessing the day I met you and got to meet guys the talk we had made a big change in my life thank you and th guys for making this possible

Thank you for this :fire::fire::fire::heart:=

Never stop making music :fire: you guys are gonna be a top metal core band one day and you’re in my top 5 right now,. Hollow Fronts songs are pure art. :ok_hand:

I wouldn’t be here without you :orange_heart:

Man, this was powerful to share something like this!

this put the biggest smile on my face. so beautiful seeing you guys use your platform for good! much love

Hollowfront forever baby❤️

Love you bro, thank you for sharing :blue_heart:

I feel that everyday and the everyday mental battles I face struggling with my life,bills,my relationship and the only thing that keeps me grounded is music.hollow front speaks to my soul everytime I listen to the music and lyircs.Still life is one of those songs I hold dear to my heart :heart: that describes my life.“so hear I am with my heart in my hands searching for the chance to be something more”.those lyrics help me so much in such a depressed time in my life right now.

Hollow Fronts lyrics and meaning initially are what drew me in. One of my all time favorite bands easily. Appreciate all of the emotion, meaning, and effort that goes into each song!

Ive been feeling anxious with college application season coming up, and with the idea of graduating high school this year. It feels a bit overwhelming at times but I know its a natural part of life. Just wishing i had more control.

I feel that same way that’s why you are one of my favorite bands looking forward to the new album :metal:

Appreciate you sharing, Tyler, both now and with all the lyrics you guys have written over the years. HF easily shot up to the top of my favorites list that night I saw you open up for ABR on tour a couple years ago and I’m happy you guys have kept pushing through all the legal stuff and even losing half the band (much love to Dakota and Brandon, wish them well). Depression and anxiety are a bitch and I wish there was a way to just flip the switch and go back to being the happy go lucky little kid I used to be, but sadly it’s not that easy

Drinking an unhealthy amount when the day ends, typically at night before bed just to sleep and get rid of that empty feeling in the chest because it’s better to feel the slight sense of happiness and ease from drinking hard liquor even though its said to make things worse, than feeling that emptiness. Then waking up the next day with nothing more to look forward to other than “walking to the best of the same damn song” and then repeating it. Nothing but a heavy cloud above you and no energy to make the bed waiting for the hours to go by just to get that slight sense of happiness and ease again.
