HeartSupport_Fans Content #131

We’re in your corner…always! :heart:

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@rickyxolson thank you so much for being brave enough to put this out there. I’ve struggled with depression for many years, starting with an abusive relationship and my mother’s suicide at the same time. But more recently, I’ve lost a number of male friends to suicide. It’s devastating that there’s still such a stigma, especially for men, to seek help…even if it’s just reaching out to a friend. I truly hope more men can find the confidence to ask for the help they need. Too many people are losing their lives and it needs to stop…so thank you…yes, reaching out and getting help is not something to be embarrassed about and I truly hope that anyone, men especially, see your post and see that it’s ok to admit things aren’t great and help is needed. Therapy has been incredible for me, I still have dark times and will always have my battles, but I know I’m not alone and that help is available whenever I need it. Hopefully one day, soon, more & more people will be comfortable asking for help and suicide will be something that is a rare occurrence. Thank you for being you :heart:

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Sending love=============

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As a mental health counselor, I love this message. As a person who wants to see their community and fellow man flourishing and thriving, I love this message. We can all use help sometimes and that’s okay. It takes a village of support and love for anyone to be successful and experience those highs we yearn for :heart:

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:clap::clap::clap::heart::heart::heart: My respect for you is beyond words. I tend to just (emotionally) numb out A LOT. Working on it……some days it’s hard to see the light through the dark, but we all have to Stand Up and go on. :people_hugging: to you!

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We will always be by your side Ricky :heart:

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For the first time this year I was able to afford therapy as an adult. I’m pretty stubborn, and it was hard to think that my issues were something worth talking about when others struggle so much more. But I went anyways. It’s really refreshing to see this new generation of all genders say it’s okay to get help. Wishing the best to you, Ricky.

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I needed that!===========

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Well said regarding the lows and highs of life. True, without life’s low points we couldn’t cherish the high points. My friend (who also happens to be a counselor) calls lows “valley time” in reference to the valley of the shadow of death. Eventually, we will find our way out of the valley.

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Awww I went though a major mental breakdown last year after 3 years of mental abuse from a Narcissist Psychopath. Talking to anyone who would listen to me about my MH certainly did help with the ‘Pure O - OCD’ that I developed with it anxiety/panic attacks. Still have trauma but mostly a lot happier now. Hope you feel a lot better soon @rickyxolson and anyone else who’s struggling too. There really is light at the end of the tunnel even if it doesn’t feel like it :heart:

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thank you so much for being so honest about your struggles and talking about how important mental health is :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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It’s really hard to talk when the people I trusted most consistently hold my issues over my head and remind me of how horrible of a person my battles make me to everyone else. Even when I celebrate my growth, they show me where I’m failing. It’s like there’s no point to trying at all lol

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So many people needed to hear this :heart:

Thanks, Ricky. I’ve been passing through some depressive episodes, and it was everything I needed to read. You were the first person I’ve ever saw talking about the importance of asking for help, and I can’t tell how much it saved me from thousand of things, as well as making me comfortable to cry. Thank you, Ricky :black_heart:

My Dad died too early thanks to cancer :fu:, a little over a month ago. I’m having a hard time with it, to the point where I think about self-harm

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In my country mental health is still kinda taboo theme, there are people…but you pay for one hour a lot,she/he doesn’t even listen to you or doesn’t even have a question,they just gives you a pills for something and that’s it. You get addicted to those pills,for which you don’t even know are what for, and you get into even more battles. I always wanted to reach out,but if you don’t have places like that,you kinda just live through it,you learn how to not show it or how to avoid it,that’s it. Which is again,even bigger problem. Also,if you are going to therapy here,you are considered crazy.

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Today i said my boss i wish was dead :cry:

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Today i said my boss i wish was dead :cry:

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Thank you for this, so much! I work in mental health and the stigma surrounding it is unfortunate because it can do so many so much good. Thank you for being a positive force and sharing that support. :heart:

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