HeartSupport_Fans Content #2418

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

  • If someone tags @heartsupport in a comment it becomes a topic here on the forum.
  • If they don’t it’ll be a comment on this topic.
  • Moderators can flag:ignore non @heartsupport comments to create a new topic if needed.

View media here: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f1/m82/1D4A7B3EAAB15A0E10FAE6638D396788_video_dashinit.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5jbGlwcyJ9&_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=101&vs=672003194837158_583728075&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYT2lnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfcHJvZC8xRDRBN0IzRUFBQjE1QTBFMTBGQUU2NjM4RDM5Njc4OF92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVABgkR09CMzhCWGtwM3pua3MwWkFNRGVoa0ZsYm1KaGJxX0VBQUFGFQICyAEAKAAYABsBiAd1c2Vfb2lsATEVAAAmmprd78KtyD8VAigCQzMsF0BWZ87ZFocrGBJkYXNoX2Jhc2VsaW5lXzFfdjERAHUAAA%3D%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AfBFinEr_MVJdJ4othwZXaSVQdDfM3uAUmnAwBCXSPJdew&oe=64DC86DC&_nc_sid=1d576d&_nc_rid=ed3c9cbd31

Do you ever feel like you’re less than? Or not good enough?? ⁠

We want YOU to share how in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll provide encouragement ⁠

Lyrics from “Viking” by Slaughter to Prevail

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Absolutely love this one from STP!

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I consistently feel less than. Less than everybody like I’ll never be good enough and it’s killing me! Been dealing with a shit ton of different things ranging from issues with my dad and what I learned from him as a kid and traumas I’ve gone through like my daughter having open heart surgery at 11 months old and my ex kicking me out a week before and then while I’m at the hospital I get a call from my job saying they don’t need me anymore.

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My whole life I have always felt really stupid. As a kid I would compare myself to other kids in school and I felt like I was really behind. It is not any different now. I constantly make stupid mistakes and get frustrated with myself. I feel like my cognitive abilities are really lacking compared to other people. My ability to retain information is terrible as I have already forgotten everything I learned in college.

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