HeartSupport_Fans Content #326

Some injuries are permanent and whether we realize it or not it is indicitive that some realities that are dreamt may now never come to pass. This is sad, but the solution is that All Things Are Possible. They may or may not happen, but this is where hope is born. @heartsupport

@heartsupport I struggle with anxiety and depression especially from what happened when I was a child still haunts me believe it was my fault even though people tell me it wasn’t try to end my life once

@heartsupport Sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, i’ll never be good enough.

@heartsupport I struggle with social anxiety and feel like I’ll miss any opportunity I ever have of meeting a special person because I tell myself I’d just be wasting their time or they’d be better off without me.

@heartsupport I definitely have low self esteem. I’m always telling myself I deserve the bad things that happen. I just don’t think I deserve praise or positive things in my life

I have suffered from depression, & chronic pain for a long time. I’m always thinking I’m not good enough. I try not to listen but sometimes it’s hard!! Love this soo much!!!:heart::heart::heart: Love Pop Evil!!:heart::heart::heart: @heartsupport @popevil

@heartsupport Almost 12 years ago I lost my father. Since then I have continuously wondered if I’ve made him proud. I wonder am I a good father, husband, and friend? I’ve made so many mistakes that I wonder am I the man he raised? Am I a good legacy for him? Do I live up to his example and expectations? Do I make my children and wife proud? What would they tell my father about who and what I have become? I wonder every day.


@heartsupport I try not to dwell, but dealing with other people’s nonsense when they do not even listen to what I actually say. I put that stress into my GI pain. Walking at least helps with that.

@heartsupport you could not have said it better. I am alone and feel I always will be! My wife died last year, and she was my life. Now I have work and it doesnt seem like anything will get better, endless hours at work, with fake friends. I try to reach out and they listen for five minutes or until my insurance stops paying, at least I have music. Nothing else seems to quiet the doubts. Still in the trenches

@heartsupport The voices tell me I don’t belong and wouldn’t be missed. I usually know better, on low days it can be a struggle

@heartsupport love love love these! I will never be good enough for my family = but damn it I know thats a lie

@heartsupport the voices in my head tell me that i’m not enough for the only one that matters, you’d think that in 35 years of marriage i could shut that damn voice down but nope

@heartsupport I’m not worth it. I’m a worthless piece of garbage.


@heartsupport I lost my mom in April and I’ve not been the same, my voices tell me I’m weak, not enough and I can tell with husband especially that I’m so lost and I can’t find my way back

I always struggle with feeling good enough and deserving enough of the great things in my life. Love of my wife, love of my friends, my new son, my job, my puppy, my ‘things’. I struggle with wondering about my place in this world and how I’ll be remembered. @heartsupport #givingtuesday

No one cares about me :pensive: @heartsupport

Just sometimes having negative thoughts about not being good enough or caring enough @heartsupport

@heartsupport …my son was hospitalized today for mental health reasons…he definitely deserves some encouragement!! :sleepy::broken_heart: