I've never heard Chop Suey

The amazing transitions during a SOAD song are almost as good as Tool

“father in to your hands I commend my spirit” is also one of the sets of last words for Jesus, fits the moment of the song for sure

I had to chuckle at the “gentle rock music” comment at the beginning, mainly because I knew what was coming was anything but.

Unsettling is the perfect word for SOAD. You nailed it.

Have you taken on The Cost Her Eyes feat Serj ( Anti War) what a compelling track, message and intertwined Vid, epic

The bridge was a random selection when they were recording and couldn’t find the lyrics. Chop Suey (suicide) which in the beginning of the recorded track you can actually hear someone say “roll suicide”, is about how we as a society judge people by their death instead of evaluating their life, ie drug overdose and suicide…”angels deserve to die”. The original title was in fact “Suicide” but changed to Chop Suey to make radio friendly. Oddly enough, it was pulled from radio after the events of Sept 11. It returned to the charts doing well after the dust settled a bit from the 9/11 event, and should be noted not much music was released in that time period at all.

I had a cousin who was a couple of years older than me that introduced me to this song. When he killed himself I played this song on repeat for months straight. Every time I hear this song I think of him…

Armenian band, speaking out against their government, not so much internal discord… RAGTM in Armenian

no, not under a rock, just young… what, 27?

i found your series today by accident, while looking for my fav songs. you have taken me down a three hour rabbit hole thank you. i liked “if you like using music to improve your mindset and mental health” i found that statement interesting, i have not used it that way. i have used it as a way on communicating what i can not verbally express. Chop Suey has a very personal resonance for me but in a very different way to your thoughts on the song. i guess that is the great thing about music, the art can be interpreted in many ways depending on the individual.

I have been through six spine surgeries in my lower back from my work accident 17 years ago. My son was two weeks old at the time. I just try to live one day at a time and make it through that day. Worry about the next day. Tomorrow. I love my kids :heart:and I could never do anything to hurt them!

Chop Suey is important to me, my parents died from drugs and I’ve been told to my face they deserved it for living that life. But they were still my parents and didn’t deserve to be scorned for dying

Did you ever hear Static-X band?:blush:

This song shreds… they got some good stuff that’s softer tho… Aerials, Holy Mountains, Soldier Side, Lonely Day, Hypnotize… all of them are absolute soft bangers… I listen to those to go numb from the constant flood of thoughts of Iraq/Afghanistan.

Your feelings are valid I was taught to not show emotion and I found a release in music if it wasn’t for bands like this I probably wouldn’t be here

Father, Father, Why hast thou forsaken me? Mathew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. Suggest reading the passages

The therapist needs therapy XD

this song is therapy to me

excuse me maam why is ur camera in 13 fps?

As a french, if you like SOAD, you should try “Mononc Serge”. But he s speaking “french from Canada”…
Ah-ah, your interpretation is great but with all my respect, you re dancing outside the tempo.
But it s actually cute on you. :sweat_smile: