Therapist reacts to a 45 by Shinedown

did anyone notice as she is walking away you hear a gunshot

You ever get a chance to see shinedown live they are fantastic. The production value is top notch.

I’d love to see you react to Shinedown-Symptom of being human

Listen to the unplugged version. You’ll definitely have tears. So much more intimate and filled with a quiet resignation. Still has a hopeful message but it’s more poignant.

A friend told me awhile ago that anger,bitterness,and rage stem from being hurt. And if we identify what hurt us then we can deal with the hurt and move past it. That has actually brought so much healing to my life.

I interpreted this is a self delete song.
I feel this song all too well. It speaks to me deeply.
But I have my responsibilities so no end to my suffering.

Not yet anyway.

New sub. Awesome channel. Could you try upchurch “spotlight”?

Always hope!..

Fight against the pain? Without addressing the problem first? You cannot fight against what you do not yet know or understand. Thats a falsehood. Screaming at the dark doesn’t magically make the sun rise.

Men know that nobody cares about them and nobody is going to help them. We as men are told by society we have no value outside of what we can produce or provide.

I love Shinedown. This episode hit me. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder a decade ago. I’ve been dead for years inside just managing each day. Meds didn’t help. I also found out my T levels are extremely low. Have sleep apnea and feel like a zombie at times. I have been screaming for years Wishing I were dead but I have a family and refuse to go out that way. I am not staring down the barrel of a 45 but having to face the fact that i will be living the rest of my life as a hallow shell of what I used to be.

Normals don’t understand the way you just want that one last idea. The one last push. If you have never looked down that barrel, you don’t understand

I was there one time. Before this song came out I literally stared down the barrel of a 45, Several times. Twice with someone else holding it and once with myself holding it. I made it through and haven’t felt that way in 30+ years. Life is good now.

Check out “Get Up,” The Crow and the Butterfly,” “Monsters,” and “Symptom of being Human.” Honestly, they don’t make a bad song, and their lyrics are profound and compelling.

This song came out about the time I went through my divorce, their music helped me get through that trauma.

I lost my husband friend and godson by gunshots to the head thank you Shinedown for writing this is very powerful and help me understand their pain was unbearable

Hearing this song as coming of age teen in 2004. It still hits hard. It was perfect. It is perfect.

See your a therapist I could talk to and it help a hell of a lot more.

Ive seen them live twice and knowing how close we were to not having brent around to make his amazing music is insane. Brent and the rest of the band are all amazing people and i love that they have stuck by one another and have always used their platform to help and empower people especially those who are struggling or have struggled. Thank you shinedown for every song yall have blessed us with

I reme er the first time i heard that song. I thoughtbit was so strange to sing about sonething like that. The song mea.s what it sounds like it means, nothing more, nothing less. Its a good soumd thats hard to listen to. Facing suicide is an un natural thing. Singing about it is note un natural. I’ve been in the bottom of a pit of despair. Its no place to be or anything to sing about. Its twisted a most dist way. A so g about the absence of hope. Not such a good idea. The melodies is amazing but the topic SUCKS. To make suicidal tendencies sound cool is anything but cool. Its twisted.