Therapist reacts to Hope by NF

Do you believe that HOPE is the strongest human emotion?

I love your reaction to his songs. I’m struggling :cry:

Marry Me!!!..

The Map to Hope is what he is holding. He said in “The Search” he was looking for the map to hope.

I wish Eminem and NF collab! Is there annyone else!!? :slight_smile:

The map is related to his old song the search where the lyrics were. “Been looking for the map to hope u seen it”

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2:42 I wasn’t ready for that horse sound :joy:

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You need to do Mama or Drifting

Faith hope courage grit integrity care life nf is now light :bulb: not darkness im going to be a rappper my name is going to be damester im going to use colors as my emotions like black for negativity and being lost white for hope

When you feel like you have no hope,
You are opening Pandora’s box.

After your Pandora’s box is open all that left to them is death.

Check in with your friends. When you don’t you start losing some of your friends. As a veteran I have lost several friends to mental health.

He didn’t change because of himself, no one can. The only hope comes through Jesus and in that last part he was battling between the devil which ever since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit sin came into the world and at that point we needed a savior and that hope comes through Jesus

don´t get me wrong. I love NF, i love his style, i love his music, video visual, everything.

But, if i can recommended, start react to EMINEM! And i know that you think, he is 51years old nad bla bla bla… BUT, He is pure masterpiece for 25 years!! And last years from his labum KAMIKAZE, Is just best rapper all time. His play word, rhyms, meaning lyrics, no body can´t do this. TRUST ME, really TRUST ME.

Where is born NF and another lyrics rappers, I dont think mumble rapper, these are just :poop::poop:, but i think real lyrics rapper, like NF, Joyner Lucas, Hopsin, and other…Because EMINEM.

And i saw you are react to MGK. So i recommende react to ,rap devil" from MGK and after that ,KILLSHOT" from EMINEM. That is reason, why MGK stop make rap music.

And I guarantee you, that will be something awesome for your react videos, rap world and historii. :pray::pray:

Bury the Light - DMC5 OST when? That would be wild!

I watch your reactions often because they’re so honest and genuine. Need new reactions. Hope you start from the beginning…Mansion.

Also… lol notice how fear is the one who says he’s the one in church. Think about that…

I feel that the moment I face the opportunity for things to change & get better I naturally run from it. I’m afraid of not being enough & having to accept that I’ve reached my limits. That’s scary because if this is my limit, that means I’m useless to anyone. I know this is all a lie, but NF puts this struggle into a perspective that literally only this song can do accurate justice. Also, at the end…when hope is truly battling fear, it gives such powerful insight into the dark things our fear tells us. We never talk about the actual things we enable ourselves to believe. You’ll never be loved, you’ll never be safe, might as well give up…That’s real. But again, they’re lies…time to take the reigns. Praise God for blessing this man with such a gift.

I saw all your teeth and in time I will see your stomach😮

This is me just about daily arguing with myself, all I have is hope. But that voice inside tells me there’s no use it don’t get any better but I just keep moving forward. NF has helped me through some tough times. He is an artistic genius.

You need to watch, perception (with the cage where he’s holding the keys) and let you down (depicts his older self)!

My tips for those who actually have mental disorder, because I believe that most people who listen to nate really have the same mental issues because his really really clicked with how we address our life as someone with mental disorders. For those having PTSD, I know hope seems kinda very risky thing to do since you are safe within your own comfort zone but having OCD and PTSD together is such an underrated blessing that some people kinda miss out. If you know how to use your mental disorders well enough you can control the risk of hopefulness. It’ll help you to be hopeful but at the same times prepare yourself by using your OCD to try and come out with alot of alternative reaction when you what you hope for failed you. By doing so you won’t be staying stagnant. You’ll still be able to enjoy life and taking risks by making calculative judgment. So use your PTSD and OCD well, it’s such a blessing to have those friend with you in your life. Though most night you won’t be able to get a good night sleep since your OCD friend sometimes doesn’t really want to shut up. Be grateful, instead of thinking those disorders is a liability try controling them instead of being led by them. Hope my comments could be understood and hope it’ll help those who are in need. Because life is actually a struggle to perfect yourself. adiossss