Therapist analyzes the lyrics of Nate by NF to discuss the value of witnessing the pain of our inner child. So often we feel like we have to fix or solve, but this song points to a truth that often what our hurt inner child needs is a witness!
Love your heartfelt reactions to Nate and the contagious enthusiasm during each song.
I think it’s poignant that instead of trying to avoid the trauma and hardships that he knows is coming, like most stories revolving around “time travel,” he’s simply wanting to supply a level of preparedness and wisdom to his younger self, so that just maybe (just maybe) he won’t take things quite as hard as he did in his original reality. The question I ponder is this, With this seemingly small level of foreshadowing, he still can’t be sure whether his “self heads-up” will have the desired effect or completely derail where he ends up. Will the rest of his decisions be subject to " the butterfly effect?" Hmmm?
as a therapist…you seriously need to go down the Twenty One Pilots journey. NF is inspired by TOP…they talk about mental health and he created a fictional world in his mind (like Mansion)
Let Me Go next plsssss it’s such a good song (talking to/about his balloons controlling him, the balloons echo in the background at parts of the song). It’s rly depressing but gives you a good idea of what went on in his mind before he let go of his balloons and shopping cart in hope!
Edit: OR DO JUST LIKE YOU!!! It helped me so much and it would be so nice if you could do that one too
Nf - let you down please. Wait for the last second of the video. Changes the whole meaning. I’ve been thinking about it since I saw the video and I can’t figure it out