Therapist's V.A.N. (Bad Omens/Poppy)

When will you react to Kublai Khan?
Yall even have an interview with the vocalist Matt Honeycutt
Kublai Khan - The Hammer, is about self loathing and depression

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can you be my therapist?? :sob: i feel like you’d be the only one that i can actually connect with :joy:

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Poppy is probably in my top 10 artists. She’s so good.

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Poppy is awesome. I’ve been a long time fan.

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Awesome take, thanks for that. Humanity is addicted to everything that destroys itself.
Poppy directed this video too btw, with one of her collaborators.
Subscribing for Poppy reactions!

Oh and 30 years sober in April

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You should react to Suicide Silence - you only live once, disengage

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Should react to badflower ghost

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After using something last 5 years, daily, any possible ways I just stopped cold turkey about 35 days ago. Kinda wondering that the addition is in my case. I can’t say it costed any afforts to quit. But anyway long story short I love this song. And your reaction is absolutely amazing, love it too​:+1::metal:

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or just poppy talking about herself? cause ITS POPPY!

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Poppy wow…

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I kinda get more of a vibe it’s not about 1 thing, but about everything self destructive that humans do/take part in, humans are pretty damn good at being destructive towards themselves, others, nature, and our planet. Yet we keep going while barely managing any of the issues, not to be all depressing ofc lol just sayin when I listen to it I get the feeling it’s referring to a quite lot not really 1 exact thing, love the video btw❤️

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I think this is a parallel about Poppy trying to break her shell and get out of the bad relationship she was in with Titanic Sinclair and the image of herself that he created as his pet project. “I am poppy, I am poppy, I am poppy…” Where she was addicted to the fame he created but where she was simply his puppet. This is Poppy, becoming the real Poppy, the natural Poppy. She was feeding the violence against nature.

“Picture-perfect image, more powerful every minutе
Baby, I am everything that you’re not “

“I can erase everything thing that you know, I am death and I am not alone.”

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Please react to all bad omens songs! They are an incredible band! Especially the death of peace of mind and just pretend

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U have to watch the live version of this song. Incredible

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I’ve watched a few reaction videos to this song. Yours is the best by far :heavy_check_mark:

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IIRC Poppy was Svengali’d by a predatory producer who goes by the stage name Titanic Sinclair. Her whole stage persona was his creation. She’s the thing he created that hates him - because he’s an abuser. While still together they were sued by an ex girlfriend of his who said he’d made Poppy into a clone of her. The case was thrown out because you can’t steal a non-copyrighted fictional identity, but it shows the degree of malign influence he had. Since breaking free of him Poppy’s changed her whole musical style, and a lot of her material is essentially excoriating Sinclair.

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Thank you this community is amazing

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No, it’s literally you against you…see that’s the thing…we can’t hide from ourselves…we know everything we did and why…just think about it

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Nora is in there, you can hear his whisper growl going with Poppy, I love Bad Omens and Poppy. This song is one my new favorite songs.:black_heart::metal:t3:

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Her past is crazy… especially with her ex who used and controlled her

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