What storm are you facing in your life share by ta

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What storm are you facing in your life?? SHARE by tagging @heartsupport and you’ll receive support AND get entered to win a free shirt!!

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall3

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The new album is great!==

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what storm…? let’s see. you mean like the crippling financial crisis everyone is facing? that kinda storm?

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My storm is handling my finances. Never enough money for the bills or the joys. I can’t keep up. Currently on SSDI and hustling selling stuff while looking for a job with my caseworker and care manager!!! :purple_heart:

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There is always the storm of being enough. We are our own worst critic in life. Constantly critiquing ourselves. We are enough and we all matter I mean just ask God. HE knows.

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Amen :raised_hands:===================

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New album is great!:fire::heart_eyes:====

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Ughh my favorite rockstar.:heart:

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I felt that when she said “aaaaaccckkkk”

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A corrupt government=====

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Can we watch the full thing somewhere?

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Totally in love with this song! Genius. I Imagine a whale :whale: going above water to take a fresh breath of air

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Currently went through with my divorce, my wife kicked me out and got pregnant by another man. I lost my car and my place to live. Struggling with going through my transition as a trans man not being recognized in society and struggling with my work in emergency room psych😓 Focusing on trying to better myself everyday. @heartsupport #heartsupport #mentalhealth #laceysturm

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Linda, talentosa e humana…:pray:t2::clap::purple_heart:

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i love you===============

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Lacey, come to BRAZIL!:brazil::heart:

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