This topic represents a Youtube video that was created by Heartsupport and where users are invited to open up about their mental health struggles.
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Do you feel guilty after losing someone?
Do you feel like it would be better if you weren’t here?
Convictions are a great bunch of guys the song has definitely got a lot of people in the metal community especially the sir talking about this stuff more yeah might want to give alter bridge’s isolation song to listen sometimes as well
React to either Last Cell or The War that Followed Me Home by them Last Cell is about a man with mental health issues, leaving a note to his daughter, (presumably thinking or even attempting suicide), and The awar That Followed Me Home is about a soldier returning from war with PTSD and survivors guilt. Powerful stuff. Such an awesome band
This song speaks so many volumes, it’s unreal, I feel like the heavier tone discourages some people, but if they took the time to resonate with the lyrics it would open up so many eyes especially because this is such a tough topic for people to tackle
This song speaks to me
That’s what I’m going through
I feel alone as such way people I thought I could trust tuned out to be narcists
Know one understands me only when I find hardcore music helps me in such away that I can escape reality
I know suicide is not the answer because I lost many love ones to this stigma and their is always HOPE to see a positive change to help yourself to believe for a better quality of life
God Will always love everyone
Choose LFE because your worth to fill in that space that no one can fill
Man, this hits so hard.
A few years ago my depression where really difficult to deal with. When i drove by car at 100km/h i closed my eyes and counted to 3 multiple times, nearly took many Sleeping Pills with Vodka, drank till i passed out etc etc. I wanted to die, had a relapse while covid lockdown. Nowadays my depression is still there, but im happy i didnt end it.
Knowing it would atleast ruin my parents lifes.
Keep on fighting guys. Winter is coming
This song hits me so hard in so many ways and is nice to help me cope to let out this pain. I’ve lost a brother to an overdose, another to drinking and my mother when I was 21. Around the holidays I start to feel alone or abandoned. It doesn’t help that to top it off I’m adopted. I’m very aware of all my issues and my trauma. My damage is what makes this song relatable because I have days where I feel like everyone would be better off without me. Today was or is one of those days and this song is a nice reminder that I’m not alone. I just wish this pain would ease up a bit. I’m really not looking forward to forcing myself to the in laws holidays. They get upset if I don’t do " normal" family stuff or don’t even bother asking why I seem to be hurting or off because I’m grieving the loss of my family to this day. I don’t mean to ramble. I’m just having a very hard day and am feeling very much alone…
This song helped me get past my uncles suicide. i randomly came across it, God knew i was hurting and how to reach me because metal helps me so much. Love convictions.
@heartsupport this song helped me when I was contemplating ending my life… When this song was released I was struggling a lot and thinking about how people around me would feel if I took that path actually made me think things and fight back.
Now, I few years later, I’m going through some hard things but I’m able to be more open about it, share my feelings and struggles with my friends and family and just talking about it helps so much!
This song came on during my workout and almost had me in tears at the pulldown station. We lost my cousin this way last year. He stayed in the room across from mine while we were in college and always shared jokes and memes. I came home from work one day and then came home to everyone crying. Thank you for this .
Having experienced the pain of losing someone and knowing how much it fucks people up is the only reason im still here to this day when i fall in to the dark place i listen to this song to remind me of why im still here i see this song more as an escape tool than anything