HeartSupport_Fans Content #1163

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

  • If someone tags @heartsupport in a comment it becomes a topic here on the forum.
  • If they don’t it’ll be a comment on this topic.
  • Moderators can flag:ignore non @heartsupport comments to create a new topic if needed.

View media here: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/o1/v/t16/f1/m82/03431384E9B330E04A3FC08B629723AD_video_dashinit.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjcyMC5jbGlwcyJ9&_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=101&vs=901865404207137_1538573439&_nc_vs=HBksFQIYT2lnX3hwdl9yZWVsc19wZXJtYW5lbnRfcHJvZC8wMzQzMTM4NEU5QjMzMEUwNEEzRkMwOEI2Mjk3MjNBRF92aWRlb19kYXNoaW5pdC5tcDQVAALIAQAVABgkR0pDSWp4VENBb1RwbVB3QkFBVUxDa3VOVzk4eWJxX0VBQUFGFQICyAEAKAAYABsBiAd1c2Vfb2lsATEVAAAmvpjvxY%2BE9j8VAigCQzMsF0BNCp%2B%2Bdsi0GBJkYXNoX2Jhc2VsaW5lXzFfdjERAHUAAA%3D%3D&ccb=9-4&oh=00_AfBRqkXRAuU0RqtTv4FOwHQsFEmwIxqM2LnU4FpDDXsQNA&oe=64531E71&_nc_sid=ea0b6e&_nc_rid=bb8596e308

Do you struggle to commit to your mental health?? Share how in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll provide support!

Full video reacting to @beartoothband new song Sunshine is on YouTube!

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Kinda but I found that mountain biking after work on the hard days brings the best in me. Its my therapy in a way❤️

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Love love love this reaction and this song. Thank you @calebshomo and the @beartoothband for this one. Huge help. :heart_hands::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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The greatest weapon I’ve discovered in the fight against negativity is doing/borderline forcing myself to do things that truly make me happy. That in and of itself is a challenge but simply put, passions are like nuclear bombs to depression, you just gotta be brave enough to TRY TRY TRY and push that button. This page/organization has aided me in getting this/that point. It’s just like PMA, you will never have 100%, 24/7 perfection. Sometimes you gotta say fuck you. But as long as one TRIES TRIES TRIES the next day, they should be alright. Thanks, see you in the pit.

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My mind is always racing and I have to be working nonstop to keep myself at ease. I see it as a blessing and a curse because it exhausts me but at least i get lots done X’D I try my best to protect my mental health and be better :black_heart:

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