HeartSupport_Fans Content #732

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@timmcilrath from @riseagainst shares how he expresses the emotions he struggles with through writing. You can do that in the comments and we’ll reply with encouragement. Tag @heartsupport and share how you can relate to Tim!

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2 @heartsupportwall3 @heartsupportwall4 @heartsupportwall5

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Your songs have helped me through so much.

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@timmcilrath your words hitting me deep and i can feel connected to so many other people feeling the same. Every song creates a picture in my mind and then i feel able to paint my feelings with the help of your words! Thank you so much! You are gifted! :heart:

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Putting emotions in words - as hard as it sometimes feels to do so - and on paper really helps getting them out of the head and escaping those destructive circles of thoughts. Which helps a lot!
As well as it helps to listen to music one can relate to. At the moment for me it‘s listening to “Forfeit“ bei RA which helps me a lot in dealing with my ongoing worry about a person dear to me.

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You are beyond a legend. Wrote THE BEST rock songs/albums to ever exist. Best of the best writer and vocalist

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Thank you for your first five albums. Songs were creative and the lyrics soo good (from the heart and so connecting) - then you lost it. I’ll always be greatful for those five albums

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Writing lines like: “i believe in angels, not the kind with wings, not the kind with halos, the kind that bring you home when home becomes a strange place” taught me that there’s a real deepness in creating music and expressing yourself. Makes you think how different our lives would be without music at all.

slave workers in lollapalooza Brasil

The police here in brazil discovered that in @lollapaloozabr they kept workers in a state of slavery. You may not participate in or support a slaver event!

Timmy! :hugs: hug me! :hugs: don’t run from your feeeeeeeelings!! :hugs::hugs:

Brabo dms :fire::fire::clap::clap:===========

We love Tim :purple_heart:============

That @stretcharmstrong803 shirt too! :fire:


This reminded me, of how we need to take care of our thoughts, with this in mind I created @abyssalacid and, thank you for the music. You, feel free to go there and check!

Love this :heart: Rise Against songs definitely help me feel less alone in the world!

@lollapaloozabr com terceirizados usando trabalho escravo. Por favor boicote esse festival milionário :cry:

Curitiba Brazil ? :brazil:=====

Have you heard about the news of Lollapalooza workers being subjected to conditions similar to slavery?

Tim, you are an incredible lyricist. I adore your music :notes::heart: