When you all saw my daughter bawling in Houston on the rail…this is why Zach. this is her. She’s okay but still struggles. Is in year three of five in architecture school for her Masters degree at 21.
I have bouts of anxiety and depression, after having a breakdown 12 years ago. Shinedown is a band that makes me smile and who I listen to, too get me going when having a down day.
For someone who’s never had an anxiety attack- I’m not sure they can truly understand it. I didn’t until they started. I got help and after a few years was off meds and controlling it through tactics, and knowing how to respond and handle situations.
I never had anxiety until I had 2 strokes in 2013 at age 42. Now not a day goes by without some kind of anxiety. I also got diagnosed with depression as well. I just keep on trucking through. Thank you for your music helping me through
My symptom of being human is I worry about everything, which then makes me anxious, & makes me try to control everything, even the things that I have no control over. Then, I tell myself that things are going to go wrong, or that bad things are going to happen, which, they never do. #ASOBHHeartSupport#ShinedownNation
A lot of people confuse being anxious with having anxiety.
Most every one has a certain amount of anxiety over the little day to day things, but full blown anxiety is much more involved. Panic attacks as well.